
Phone Numbers

+44 796 343 8484
+263 777 283 426

Email Address


Welcome to
Hope Itembelani Tariro

Better hope and empowerment for the vulnerable.



Psychosocial Support

Disaster Response

What We Do

Hope Itembelani Tariro (H.I.T) is a non-profit, private voluntary organization for vulnerable community members, widows and orphans whose aims are to improve the living conditions of orphans and widows and complement the widows as they share their life experiences of loss, grief and stigmatization.
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Economic Empowerment

H.I.T Trust aims to improve the living conditions of orphans and widows by creating sustainable livelihood sources.
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Promoting Education

We have funding programmes targeting the education of kids, school uniforms, writing and text books, school fees etc.
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Psychosocial Support

We provide a safe space for community members to come together share their experiences, learnings and gain emotional support when going through difficult times.
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Disaster Relief

We provide humanitarian aid to victims of disaster, famine, epidemics etc. We focus on the most vulnerable people who do not have the capacity to self-recover.
Click the button below to learn more about what we do.

Stories & Testimonies

Read a few stories and testimonies from those who have benefitted from the charity work.

Get Involved

Your donation can help make sure the world's vulnerable people have access to clean drinking water, won't go hungry, lack education or miss out on life-saving medicines.
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One Time Donation

Add an amount towards any of the programmes we are running
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Emergency Fund

Emergency Fund

Help us respond to emergencies with both immediate & long-term support
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Recurring Donation

Recurring Donation

Expand our work to help children rise above even the most extreme poverty.
Donate Now


26 Lundi Road,
Lundi Park, Gweru

Contact Numbers

ZW Office: +263-777-283-426
UK Office: +44-796-343-8484

Email Address


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Hope Ithembalani Tariro Trust is registered under the Zimbabwean Ministry of Public Services, Labor and Social Welfare section 5.2 as a (PVO) private voluntary organization