
Phone Numbers

+44 796 343 8484
+263 777 283 426

Email Address


About Us

Hope Itembelani Tariro referred to as (H.I.T) is a non-profit, private voluntary organization for widows and orphans whose aims are to improve living conditions of orphans and widows and complement the widows as they share their life experiences of loss, grief and stigmatization.
In spite of all efforts by public and private sectors to address and accelerate socio and economic development, the issue of orphans has not been fully addressed. A continued increase in urbanization, deaths and broken homes has seen the number of orphans and vulnerable children increased uncontrollably so it is important that we find ways to accelerate reform wherever we can. The idea is to give children exposure to community life, provide them with skills and an opportunity to use acquired skill to undertake practical production work for self reliance.
 We respect everyone’s beliefs and share no specific religious or philosophical ideology accepting widows of all ages, races, grieving the death of a spouse/loved one and from any cause. We do not take sides on political issues or endorse political candidates. We treat each other with care and respect, showing consideration for those with whom we may disagree.


To give life in its fullness for every child, transforming lives by provision of basic needs, restoring hope and love to orphans and vulnerable children in Midlands. We support widows through the grieving process and beyond by providing life transition resources and immediate connection; facilitating the healing process and allowing for rebuilding to start from our communities embrace and we uplift and encourage as widows re-engage in life.



Our vision is to be a strong network of widows empowering our members through shared experience. We open the door to a safe haven for widows, ensuring they do not go through their experience alone, but with life-long connections and lasting support. We relate. We understand. We listen. We care.

Our Core Values


Demonstrating excellence in the manner that we execute; commitment to the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and professionalism that includes timely and respectful communication

Diversity & Inclusion

We value those natural individual differences such as culture, race, religion, personality, and disability that both challenge us and make each of us unique. Our programs focus on bringing out the best in each widow, and respecting the unique talents, interests, beliefs, and values of staff, volunteers, partners, and the widows we serve.


Embracing perspectives, partnerships, and participation in all that we do. Listening and evolving together, helping and supporting each other for the sake of a collective goal; helping widows nationwide. It takes a village!


Serve with the greatest responsibility and accountability. Making a consistent impact, not just by what we say, but what we do, and doing it all even when no one is watching.


26 Lundi Road,
Lundi Park, Gweru

Contact Numbers

ZW Office: +263-777-283-426
UK Office: +44-796-343-8484

Email Address


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Hope Ithembalani Tariro Trust is registered under the Zimbabwean Ministry of Public Services, Labor and Social Welfare section 5.2 as a (PVO) private voluntary organization