
Phone Numbers

+44 796 343 8484
+263 777 283 426

Email Address


Skill Development Training Programme


The Project Coordinator will give training to the widows. The short course training workshops shall be focused on new technicalities in piggery and goat rearing.

Training curriculum shall also include the following:

  1. How to manufacture stock feed?
  2. How to satisfy the customer?
  3. Marketing methods,
  4. Importance of Self Help Groups Formation,
  5. Importance of Crowd funding,
  6. Repayment of revolving funds in the stipulated time period.
  7. Participation in monitoring and evaluation.

Expected Results At The End of This Period

Implementation of this project shall improve their social and economical position through this project.  The poor, hungry widows would be in a position to eat good food, the target group women’s families could also be benefited as well

Monitoring and Evaluation

All the widows and the Executive committee of our organization will attend the meetings. They will discuss the different terms of the project implementation in the fragrant atmosphere of fraternity, good rapport and support. They adopt problem salvation attitudes if any. How were the living conditions of the target people before the initiative of the project programme? How far their living conditions are improved with the effect of the project implementation, how would be future angle of expected developments etc… will be evaluated, comparatively. The improvement of their socio-economic living condition will also be measured.

The project came up following the living and rampant community problems such as the rising number of children that had become orphaned due to HIV/AIDS, street children, the displaced children and increased unemployment rate. Additionally, H.I.T. directors were inspired to embark on this charity work of servitude when the director’s husband died making her children orphans and her a widow experiencing the most inhumane lifestyle after that loss. Mixed feelings such as grief, depression and loneliness were now their daily bread resulting in a loss of self esteem making them vulnerable to the extent of losing assets, friends and family.



26 Lundi Road,
Lundi Park, Gweru

Contact Numbers

ZW Office: +263-777-283-426
UK Office: +44-796-343-8484

Email Address


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Hope Ithembalani Tariro Trust is registered under the Zimbabwean Ministry of Public Services, Labor and Social Welfare section 5.2 as a (PVO) private voluntary organization